You're almost over and I still don't know what to do you with you. It's scary, you know? To have a whole month to yourself, to anything you want to do. And that's the thing, I don't know, I'm still not sure. I can't really decide what to do with so much freedom, so I plan. I plan ways I should be, things I should do, and somehow it makes me feel less anxious about not knowing. And maybe those things will never even happend, but having them pushed a little bit more into the future, makes me feel like I still have time to figure things out before anything happens. Anyways.. it's winter here in Brazil, and I just love the gloom of winter mornings. As if I was in Lars Von Trier movie, I imagine everything in super slow motion, and I wait. I wait for that moment when everything clicks and you just know. I wait for something I'm still not sure about. I give it time to grow. I give you time, july.
28 jul 2014
Dear July,
You're almost over and I still don't know what to do you with you. It's scary, you know? To have a whole month to yourself, to anything you want to do. And that's the thing, I don't know, I'm still not sure. I can't really decide what to do with so much freedom, so I plan. I plan ways I should be, things I should do, and somehow it makes me feel less anxious about not knowing. And maybe those things will never even happend, but having them pushed a little bit more into the future, makes me feel like I still have time to figure things out before anything happens. Anyways.. it's winter here in Brazil, and I just love the gloom of winter mornings. As if I was in Lars Von Trier movie, I imagine everything in super slow motion, and I wait. I wait for that moment when everything clicks and you just know. I wait for something I'm still not sure about. I give it time to grow. I give you time, july.
You're almost over and I still don't know what to do you with you. It's scary, you know? To have a whole month to yourself, to anything you want to do. And that's the thing, I don't know, I'm still not sure. I can't really decide what to do with so much freedom, so I plan. I plan ways I should be, things I should do, and somehow it makes me feel less anxious about not knowing. And maybe those things will never even happend, but having them pushed a little bit more into the future, makes me feel like I still have time to figure things out before anything happens. Anyways.. it's winter here in Brazil, and I just love the gloom of winter mornings. As if I was in Lars Von Trier movie, I imagine everything in super slow motion, and I wait. I wait for that moment when everything clicks and you just know. I wait for something I'm still not sure about. I give it time to grow. I give you time, july.
sobre a melancolia das manhãs de inverno
É como uma quase-ação. Aqueles segundos sonolentos que antecedem um impulso pelo fazer, mas não chega a ser o suficiente. Olhar fixamente para alguma coisa esperando que ela se faça, se desfaça por si só. E nada. Nada sequer muda de lugar. Apesar do pesar, do peso mesmo, que é tão grande que faz som, ruído de interferência. O fluxo constante de poluição visual e sonora, que ronda, te observa, que pesa. E você continua aqui, no quase, no entremeio.
Parece até que as coisas gritam. O jornal deixado de lado na mesa, as chaves, a porta. Eles gritam, te chamam, te sacodem. E de que adianta? Podem fazer ou não fazer, cumprir ou não cumprir, mas de que servirá? No fim são só rodeios que voltam ao mesmo lugar. Discursos imperativos, tão afiados que atravessam. Eu levanto e sirvo mais café. Mais café para acordar, para ter energia, para ter proveito. Para mostrar proveito.
E no sábado seguinte estarei na mesma mesa, com o mesmo jornal por ler, as chaves, a porta. O mesmo enquadro que espera alguma ação, e eu servirei mais café.
Trilha Sonhora: Oskar Schuster - Les Îles Féroé
Parece até que as coisas gritam. O jornal deixado de lado na mesa, as chaves, a porta. Eles gritam, te chamam, te sacodem. E de que adianta? Podem fazer ou não fazer, cumprir ou não cumprir, mas de que servirá? No fim são só rodeios que voltam ao mesmo lugar. Discursos imperativos, tão afiados que atravessam. Eu levanto e sirvo mais café. Mais café para acordar, para ter energia, para ter proveito. Para mostrar proveito.
E no sábado seguinte estarei na mesma mesa, com o mesmo jornal por ler, as chaves, a porta. O mesmo enquadro que espera alguma ação, e eu servirei mais café.
Trilha Sonhora: Oskar Schuster - Les Îles Féroé
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